Twice a week


The Hot Corner


Change can be scary.
It’s scary for us here at the news paper as well.
You’re currently reading the first edition of The Snyder News following our shift from a daily paper to publishing just twice a week.
Our publisher, Bill Crist, wrote a column last week explaining this shift in more detail, so if you want to know more about why he made this decision, I encourage you to check that out.
What I can tell you is that we in the newsroom are committed to improving our local coverage.
The good news for readers is sports is only going to get better.
The change allows me to spend less time in the office building pages and more time at games, taking pictures or talking to coaches and athletes.
It allows me to get pictures of little league baseball or flag football games.
Starting my sports journalism career at a daily paper was a challenge at first. The stress of finding something local every day for my page was daunting and in my first few weeks, I was breaking news on Snyder’s hiring of Wes Wood.
Everything was moving quickly and it was keep up or get left behind. But once the summer ended and football and volleyball hit top gear, I got the hang of things and began to grow as a sports reporter.
I grew to love the grind of it. Producing a daily sports page forces you to find creative ways to get content on your page every single day, whether that is pictures from practice or short stories from box scores.
It was a fun time and I enjoyed the grind of daily content.
With our release on Wednesday and Saturday, you will still get next-day sports news for most of your favorite teams.
You will still be able to pick up The Snyder News on Saturday and read about how your favorite local football and volleyball teams did Friday night.
Where I want to push the envelope is taking what you read and improving it.
I’ve always made it a point to bring readers pictures from every game I can attend and I will continue to do that.
What I want to focus on as a sports editor as we begin this new chapter here at the paper is more detailed coverage.
More quotes, more features, more breakdowns. One change you may see already on today’s page is the shift to both a male and female athlete of the week. I want to broaden our sports coverage and I hope that vision is reflected on my pages going forward.
I am still young in this sports reporting world and I am still learning on the go. I hope I can continue to improve over the next few months and I am hoping the shift to twice a week can help me do that.
Stay tuned, Scurry County!

Reed Graff is the sports editor for the Snyder Daily News. Comments about his column may be sent to