We all scream for ice cream


Random thoughts while burning supper:


Now, this is a month worth celebrating.

You know how every month is designated the official month of something esoteric, like April being National Records Maintenance Month, or October being National Orthodontic Health Month? Well, July, aside from being the time we celebrate Independence Day, is also National Ice Cream Month.

I don’t know why this isn’t a bigger deal. I mean, come on, we’re talking about ice cream. Having been around for never-mind-how-many years, I’ve had my share of disappointments, but ice cream has always been there for me. Girlfriends, jobs and acquaintances have come and gone, but ice cream has remained a constant in my life. 

Politicians disappoint us all the time, but when was the last time ice cream let you down? “Never” would be my guess.

Paying your bills is never a happy experience, but plopping down your spare change for an ice cream cone? Nirvana.

Ice cream, in my opinion, is the happiest food on earth. You’re smiling right now just thinking about it, aren’t you? Those two wonderful words practically demand an exclamation point behind them. Merely saying “ice cream” isn’t enough, you have to say “ice cream!”

Even the readily identifiable sound of an ice cream truck making its way down a street is happy. Somewhat cloying, sure, but happy nonetheless.

Years ago, there was a Baskin-Robbins store in Big Spring, and it might as well been Disneyland as far as I was concerned. I don’t know how much money my parents shelled out over the years at the place, but it was probably enough to pay for a small car — well, the down payment, at least.

I’m a firm chocolate ice cream fan, but I don’t begrudge anyone who favors a different flavor. Even vanilla. I’m sure there’s some absolutely horrible flavor concoctions out there — in my mind, I fear someone’s already devised a flavor that’s practically inedible — but I’ve been lucky enough to have avoided such monstrosities so far.

About the most adventurous I’ve ever been when buying ice cream was when I bought some fried ice cream — you heard me right — at a Texas Rangers game not too long ago. It was fabulous, which only reinforces my belief that you can hardly go wrong with ice cream.

You could probably make a cactus-flavored ice cream and put dirt sprinkles on top, and at least part of it would be delicious.

As I was writing this column, I decided to investigate (surf the Internet) to learn some facts about my favorite dessert.

For instance, did you know that 87 percent of all Americans have ice cream in their freezer right now, and that Americans enjoy an average of 48 pints a year? That doesn’t seem excessive to me.

Another interesting factoid: A cow gives enough milk to make two gallons of ice cream a day. Way to go, Elsie!

The most disturbing item I found, however, is that 1-in-5 people share their ice cream with their pets. This is where I get greedy. I have loved the various cats and dogs I’ve owned over the years, but as far as I’m concerned, they can get their own ice cream.

In short, July has just been vindicated in my book. The thought of those hundred-degree days are in least partly assuaged by the thought of escaping the heat with a bowl of Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate.

In fact, the only bummer about thinking about ice cream is that now I want to ditch writing this column and go get me some.

I’ll be back.


Steve Reagan is a staff writer at the Snyder Daily News. Comments about his column may be emailed to news@snyderdailynews.com.