Commissioners approve budget amendments, line-item transfers


The Scurry County Commissioners’ Court, today, approved three budget amendments and several line-item transfers.
An $81,343 budget amendment for the Calendar Road project was approved. The funding represented the end-of-year balance for the project.
The court approved a $17,250 budget amendment for 132nd District Judge Ernie Armstrong for court appointed attorneys.
A $206 budget amendment for education and training in the form of grant reimbursement was also approved.
The following line-item transfers were approved:
• $129,401 for general payroll countywide from maintenance general payroll, jail general payroll, sheriff general payroll, STAR Boot Camp general payroll, library part-time payroll, Scurry County Boys and Girls Club general payroll and parks department part-time payroll to County Clerk general payroll, County Attorney general payroll, District Attorney general payroll, Tax Collector general payroll, juvenile probation general payroll, health unit general payroll, county welfare general payroll, senior center general payroll, parks department general payroll, parks department swimming pool salaries and airport general payroll to balance end-of-year lines.
• $98,284 for medical insurance from District Clerk, Pct. 1 Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2 Justice of the Peace, STAR Boot Camp and Scurry County Boys and Girls Club budgets to commissioners’ court, non-departmental, district court, information technology, health unit, library and Pct. 3 to balance end-of-year lines.
• $38,177 for elected/appointed payroll countywide from jail general payroll to Pct. 2 Justice of the Peace elected official payroll, auditor appointed payroll, information technology appointed payroll, maintenance appointed payroll, county welfare appointed payroll and parks department appointed payroll to balance end-of-year lines.
• $32,851 for non-departmental spending from maintenance to emergency management, drug screening, appraisal district fees, computer maintenance and rural brush truck to balance end-of-year lines.
• $31,633 for the Scurry County Golf Course from contract services to part-time employees, Social Security, retirement, utilities and maintenance, repair and other expenses because those line-items were out of money dues to unforeseen changes at the golf course.
• $20,000 for Pct. 4 from road maintenance and construction to fuel and oil and maintenance and repair.
• $9,548 for unemployment countywide from County Auditor’s budget to County Judge, County Clerk, District Clerk, District Court, Pct. 1 Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2 Justice of the Peace, court reporter, County Attorney, District Attorney, County Auditor, County Treasurer, Tax Collector, information technology, maintenance, jail, Department of Public Safety, sheriff, STAR Boot Camp, supervision, health unit, county welfare, library, Scurry County Boys and Girl Club, parks department, County Extension Office, Pct. 1, Pct. 2, Pct. 3, Pct. 4, Pct. 6 and airport budgets to balance end-of-year lines.
• $8,089 for Social Security countywide from the jail, sheriff and STAR Boot Camp budgets to the County Judge, information technology, juvenile probation, county welfare, senior center, parks department and Pct. 2 budgets to balance end-of-year lines.
• $6,255 for 132nd District Court from court reporter expense, administration expense, witness expense, maintenance repair and miscellaneous expense, equipment and other equipment to court appointed attorney and interpreter.
• $4,681 for workers’ compensation countywide from parks department, Pct. 1, Pct. 2, Pct. 3 and Pct. 4 budgets to commissioners’ court, district attorney, information technology, maintenance and juvenile probation budgets to balance end-of-year lines.
• $4,347 for retirement countywide from Scurry County Boys and Girls Club and County Extension budgets to County Clerk, County Attorney, County Auditor, Tax Collector, information technology, juvenile probation and county welfare budgets to balance end-of-year lines.
• $2,255 for the technology department from fuel and oil, cellular services and contract labor to operating supplies and other equipment.
• $1,456 for the Scurry County Senior Citizens Center from operating expenses to food to balance end-of-year lines.
• $950 for Pct. 2 road and bridge from road material construction to other equipment to balance end-of-year lines.
• $900 for the County Extension Office from cellular telephone, part-time employee and fuel, oil and grease to extension agent dues and office supplies.
• $681 for Pct. 2 road and bridge from road material construction to machine hire and maintenance, repair and other expenses to balance end-of-year lines.
• $635 for the health unit from operating to education and training and maintenance, repair and other expenses.
• $582 for the County Attorney’s office from law books and public officer’s liability insurance to bonds and education and training.
• $453 for the County Auditor from office supplies to education and training to balance line out.
• $400 for the County Extension Office from fuel, oil and grease to office supplies and FCS demonstration.
• $379 for the Scurry County Senior Citizens Center from maintenance, repair and other expenses to lease rentals to balance end-of-year lines.
• $300 for the County Treasurer’s office from maintenance agreements to other equipment.
• $216 for the Scurry County Boys and Girls Club from maintenance, repair and other expenses to lease rentals to balance end-of-year lines.
• $213 for the Scurry County Boys and Girls Club from witness experts to education and training to balance end-of-year lines.
• $157 for the County Extension Office from maintenance, repair and other expenses to other equipment to balance end-of-year lines.
• $53 for STAR Boot Camp from maintenance, repair and other expenses to travel expenses to balance end-of-year lines.