SDN going twice weekly


Starting next week, the Snyder Daily News will adopt a new name and switch from a six-day-a-week publication to a twice-weekly newspaper.
The first edition of The Snyder News will be published March 11.
The move was made to allow the newsroom to focus on local stories and coverage.
“This will give us more time to focus on our hometown and sharing stories and photos our readers can’t find anywhere else, and less time on filling pages with stories that are available all over the Internet,” publisher Bill Crist said.
Subscribers will receive extensions on their paid subscriptions and some subscribers outside the Snyder city limits will begin receiving their newspapers through the mail.
“This will allow us to ensure more timely delivery to all of our readers,” Crist said.
Crist said the newspaper’s website will continue to provide breaking news through social media and that some staples, like obituaries, will be updated daily online.
“Change isn’t easy for any of us, and I know this is a big one,” Crist said. “We’ve heard many positive comments about the local focus and although there are some features we’ll no longer include, I think that ultimately readers will find the new version a better reflection of what a community newspaper should be.”