Letter to the Editor-August 20, 2016


Be involved to help students

Dear Editor,
While I continue to believe in and appreciate the support of the community of Snyder toward the efforts to raise Snyder ISD’s accountability standards, I take umbrage toward a recent letter to the editor in the Snyder Daily News by Helen Feinsod (Aug. 6).
Ms. Feinsod, a former teacher, states in her letter, “Don’t we, as parents and grandparents, need to know the true passing rates of our students? We seem to have a problem, but how can it be fixed if we cover it up?” To those two points, I would respond by saying the true passing rates were published in articles on July 29 and July 30 on the front page of the Snyder Daily News. And further, there were numerous meetings (i.e. community forum on Dec. 3, 2015, PTO meetings, Jan. 18 and April 4) and other community engagement efforts made by Snyder ISD in an effort to bring the problem not only to the attention of parents and grandparents, but the community, and by asking for their support and input in our efforts in addressing this problem.
Ms. Feinsod also states “The article (July 30) stated Snyder ISD’s administration was pleased with the passing rates overall.” What was officially said by myself in the article of July 29 was “We are pleased with the gains we’ve made due to the hard work of both teachers and students. We realize, however, there is much work left to be done.”
As superintendent, I am always pleased when parents, grandparents and community members become involved in effort to improve our schools. I cannot, however, stand by and let our effort and efforts of those community members who are involved, be mischaracterized.
I encourage Ms. Feinsod and all others in the Snyder community to become informed as to the true status of their schools. But, and maybe more important, become involved as we try to improve our schools to the benefit of all children.
Jim Kirkland
Snyder ISD Superintendent