Scurry Community Services introduces health program


Scurry Community Services is now offering vaccines and Texas Health Steps for qualifying children up to five years old.
Registered nurse Angela Thomas, child health and development specialist with Scurry Community Services, said the center saw its first patient on Sept. 30 and has seen 45 since it opened.
She said the program offers developmental screenings, vision and hearing screenings, lead and hemoglobin tests, Texas Health Steps exams and vaccines for children who are uninsured or on Medicaid, as well as referrals to Early Childhood Intervention services, speech therapy and behavioral therapy.
She said Dental Smiles also visits the center three to four times a year to offer dental checkups and fluoride treatments.
Thomas said during an annual survey, the Texas Department of Health noted that many of the children’s vaccines and their Texas Health Steps were not up-to-date.
“At that time, (the surveyor) asked us if we’d be willing to provide those services here,” Thomas said. “Currently we are making significant progress in getting the children caught up on their Health Steps as well as immunizations, which provides a great service for the families so they’re not having to miss work.”
Thomas said parents give written consent for their child to be checked and don’t have to be present for the appointment, although they are allowed to attend.
Catrina Patrick is the licensed vocational nurse at the center and the program is under the direction of Dr. Joseph Lampley of Rotan.