Snyder schools working to improve TEA status


The Snyder ISD board of trustees learned that schools are making progress after being designated improvement required by the Texas Education Agency (TEA).
Chief Academic Officer Dr. Rachael McClain said, during Thursday’s board meeting, the district is submitting monthly progress reports to the TEA.
“Our intermediate and primary campuses are on track based upon our targeted improvement plans, with adjustments being made in tutorials based on the January testing data,” McClain said. “The junior high has made progress, but is a little behind the targeted goals for the Hispanic sub-population and the special education population. A new behavior management program has been implemented and positive intervention has been implemented for good behavior.”
Adjustments were made in eighth grade science and social studies to meet the targeted goals.
“As a district, all of the goals in the targeted improvement plan have been met,” McClain said.
Following a 35-minute closed session, trustees accepted, in open session, the recommendation of Superintendent Jim Kirkland to offer contracts to all current administrators for 2016-17.
Also following the closed session, the board voted not to accept the resignation of Susan Rasco, an English/language arts teacher at Snyder Junior High School, because it was submitted past the deadline.
New contracts were approved for Vicki Holt and Aleida Arrellano and are subject to an assignment.
In other action, trustees approved three expenditures of more than $25,000 for shelving, technology and security items for the new SJHS building and called a May 7 election for the two at-large seats. The filing period for the election will end on Feb. 19.
The board also approved submitting an application for a grant to continue the district’s Afterschool Centers for Education program. The application will be for no more than $1.8 million.
The 2016-17 school calendar was tabled until the March board meeting.
The calendar that features a weeklong Thanksgiving holiday and two-week Christmas break, is favored by the district’s staff, however, that calendar has graduation on Wednesday, May 31.
Kirkland said he recognizes the problems that might cause for out-of-town friends and relatives and would look at changes.
Work at the new junior high is currently 35 days behind schedule due to weather.
Neil Easter, of Lee Lewis Construction, said some of those days are expected to be made up in the next few weeks due to favorable working conditions.
“We’re still looking for completion to be around May 15-30,” he said.