Tuesday is deadline to submit candidate announcements


Tuesday is the deadline for candidates in the March 1 primaries to submit a free announcment at the Snyder Daily News.
Announcements should be submitted by 5 p.m. The filing period ends at 6 p.m. Monday.
Candidates may submit an announcement of up to 200 words and a quality color photograph at the newspaper office. The announcement should focus on the candidate’s qualifications and not their opponent.
The announcement should be prepared by the candidate or their campaign. The newspaper staff will not write announcements. Also, the photograph submitted should be of the candidate only and no family members.
Announcements will run in the order they are received and the newspaper reserves the right to edit copy.
No announcements will be published in the weekend edition.
The announcement should include an address, telephone number and email so the staff can follow up with any questions. That information will not be published.