WTC to begin four-day academic week in spring


Western Texas College will begin a four-day academic week in the spring, school officials announced during Monday’s board of trustees meeting.
Dean of Instructional Affairs Stephanie Ducheneaux told the board that the administration and staff are “going in with both feet” for the four-day academic week. She was asked by the board if that meant the college would be closed on Fridays. Her response was “no.”
Ducheneaux said Fridays will be a time for students to catch up on work, talk to instructors or take make-up tests.
Classes will be held Mondays and Wednesdays and Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Ducheneaux said Howard College, Odessa College, Ranger College, Cisco Junior College, Frank Phillips College and South Plains College are among the schools that currently use a four-day academic week.
One of the reasons for the four-day week, which the administration was asked to review by the college’s staff, was many students, mostly athletes, are not on campus on Fridays, she said.
WTC President Dr. Barbara Beebe said high school students are looking for schools that offer four-day weeks.
“It is what the students are asking first,” she said.
Ducheneaux said WTC’s dual-credit high schools are on board with the change and have adjusted schedules for those students.
Ducheneaux said the spring semester will serve as the pilot program for the four-day week and a final determination to continue will be made at a later date.