Snyder starts final round in sixth place


LUBBOCK — The Snyder Lady Tigers started today’s final round of the Region 1-4A Girls Preview Tournament in sixth place.

Snyder shot 343, one shot behind fifth-place Seminole, during Friday’s round at the Shadow Hills Golf Club. 

Courtney Velasquez shot 81 while Cylie Velasquez and Claire Trieger each posted an 84. Amyann Villanueva shot 94, followed by Savanna Porter at 96.

Laura Ortegon (95) and Jalia Williams (100) played as individuals.

Team results: 1. Andrews Black 317; 2. Frenship Blue 323; 3. Andrews Gold 326; 4. Sweetwater 339; 5. Seminole 342; 6. Snyder 343; 7. Wylie 354; 8. Frenship Gold 365; 9. Monahans 367; 9. Levelland 367; 11. Pecos 385; 12. Graham 389; 13. Borger 396; 14. Pampa 400; 15. Big Spring 408; 16. Midland Greenwood 416; 17. Brownwood 419.